I relatori di Aperture Straordinarie!

Luca Palli

Museomix CH – Founder and technical referrer



Luca studied computer science at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) .

Actually he work in a small company in the field of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) using and developing on open source and commercial solution. Since 2014 he is involved in the swiss Museomix association and participate has technical referrer to the organization team of 4 Museomix events in Switzerlan.


To organize the first swiss Museomix event we contacted different FabLabs, hakerspaces and similar organizations around the French part of Switzerland to help us to supply resources (equipment, assistance, …) to the participating team.

 The meeting between these organizations gave them the idea to collaborate in an open source basis on common projects and create a swiss community of FabLabs.